Privacy Policy and are owned by CJ Grace. CJ Grace and these websites do not rent or sell their mailing or e-mail lists and strive to keep your personal information confidential.
Cookie Usage and are WordPress and Jetpack-powered sites that make use of cookies for a variety of different purposes. For more information, please refer to Jetpack’s dedicated cookie documentation, as well as the Automattic Cookie Policy.
Contact Form
Data Used: Since Akismet is enabled on the site, the contact form submission data — IP address, user agent, name, email address, website, and message — is submitted to the Akismet service (also owned by Automattic) for the sole purpose of spam checking. The actual submission data is stored in the database of the site on which it was submitted and is emailed directly to the owner of the form (i.e. the site author who published the page on which the contact form resides). This email will include the submitter’s IP address, timestamp, name, email address, website, and message.
Data Synced: Post and post meta data associated with a user’s contact form submission. Since Akismet is enabled on the site, the IP address and user agent originally submitted with the comment are synced, as well, as they are stored in post meta.
Sharing Information with Mailchimp
This website uses Mailchimp to process access to free content and to manage emails to subscribers. To better understand how Mailchimp uses and stores the data shared with them, please check their privacy policies directly:
Sharing Information with Paypal
This website accepts payments through PayPal. Customers’ data will be passed on to this third party, including information required to process or support the payment, such as the purchase total and billing information.
Information shared with this payment provider to process payments may include:
- Name
- Physical Address
- Phone
- Unique payment identifier
- Payment provider identifier
How Paypal Uses Data
To better understand how Paypal uses and stores the data shared with them, please check their privacy policies directly:
Sharing Information with Amazon
This website contains links to products on To better understand how Amazon uses and stores the data you share with them, please check the company’s privacy policies directly: Amazon Privacy Policy.
Copyright and Use
CJ Grace, owner of, claims all rights in this website and its contents. The content on this website is copyrighted as a collective work under the United Kingdom copyright laws, including copyright in the selection, coordination, arrangement and enhancement of such content, as well as such items as information data, photographs, graphics, videos, text, images, typefaces, sounds, e-newsletters.
Links to this website may be included in any other website.
You may not otherwise publish, distribute, extract, reuse or reproduce any part of this site in any form (including photocopying or storing it in any medium by electronic means) without written consent from CJ Grace. Notwithstanding the forgoing, brief passages from this website of no more than 250 words may be quoted verbatim, provided the website is conspicuously credited as the source.
Disclaimer for Links
CJ Grace or any other party involved in creating, producing or distributing this website expressly disclaim any responsibility for any product or service or the accuracy, content or availability of information found on other blogsites/websites that contain links to or from this website. Because some websites employ automated search results or otherwise link you to websites containing information that may be deemed inappropriate or offensive, CJ Grace cannot be held responsible for the accuracy, copyright compliance, legality or decency of material contained in third-party websites, and you hereby irrevocably waive any claim against CJ Grace or any other party involved in creating, producing or distributing this website with respect to such material.
Affiliate Links is supported by its readers. Please assume that any links to products on this site are affiliate links, and that CJ Grace gets commissions for purchases made through these links, at no additional cost to the buyer. As an Amazon Associate, she earns from qualifying purchases. This helps pay for the running of this website. Thank you for using these links.
Limitation of Liability
Under no circumstances shall CJ Grace or any other party involved in creating, producing or distributing this website be liable, and you agree to waive and hold CJ Grace (and her representatives and heirs) harmless for any and all such liability, for any direct, indirect, incidental, special or consequential damages or loss of profits, good will, use, data or other intangible losses (even if we have been advised of the possibility of such damages) that result from (i) any delay, failure, interruption or corruption of this website or any data or information transmitted in connection with the use of this website, (ii) personal injury or death caused by your use or misuse of this website, (iii) the cost of procurement of substitute goods and services resulting from your use of any goods, data, information or services purchased or obtained or messages received or transactions entered into, through or from our website (iv) unauthorized access to or alteration of your transmissions or data, (v) statements or conduct of any third party on this website, or (vi) any other matter relating to this website. You hereby acknowledge that the waivers and obligations to hold harmless contained in this paragraph shall apply to all content, merchandise and services available through this website.
Notwithstanding the above, the sole liability of CJ Grace for any reason to you and your sole and exclusive remedy for any cause or claim whatsoever shall be limited to the amount paid by you for any product, information or service purchased by you from CJ Grace through this website.
You agree to indemnify, defend and hold CJ Grace, and her officers, directors, employees, agents, providers, merchants, sponsors, licensors and affiliates harmless from and against all claims, actions, demands, judgments, losses and liabilities (including, without limitation, costs, expenses and attorneys’ fees) by you or any third-party resulting or arising, directly or indirectly, out of content you submit, post to or transmit through his website, your use of his website, your connection to his website, your violation of these Terms of Use or your violation of any rights of another person.