Aaron Austin, a remarkably talented artist, has drawn the fantastic cartoons for my website and my books, bringing my ideas for humor to life more effectively than I ever could have imagined.
A female friend recommended that I include cartoons in Adulterer’s Wife to lighten up the subject a bit. Initially, aside from the sexual aspects of marriage and infidelity, I was at a loss to come up with other humorous ideas that would work as cartoons. Later on in the writing process I did manage to develop some cartoon concepts that were not X-rated. Sadly, a few of the raunchiest cartoons did not survive final editing.
Aaron Austin had this to tell me about the cartoons he created for this book, “Humor is an important tool for defusing tension on difficult subjects and for dealing with life’s challenges. Laughter has a way of cutting things down to size. Additionally, one cannot speak frankly about infidelity without speaking frankly about sex. I think a book for adults on the subject of adultery can’t be shy about sex, and the cartoon ideas you gave me to work with are making honest statements on the subject that we can all laugh at. I think the cartoon idea about extra-terrestrial sex for Chapter Nine illustrates this point perfectly—we’re discussing a biologically necessary activity common to all animals, and the crudeness of the subject is in the eye of the beholder.”
Visit www.aaronaustin.art to see the range of his skills.