My Wild Ride: How to Thrive After Breast Cancer and Infidelity is the latest book by CJ Grace. Her first, Adulterer’s Wife: How to Thrive Whether You Stay or Not, covered infidelity issues. My Wild Ride is an in-depth, how-to guide, thoroughly researched, filled with anecdotes and generously dosed with Ms. Grace’s sardonic, Pythonesque humor. Continue reading Roller Coaster Ride with CJ Grace: Review by Paul Janes-Brown
All posts by CJ
Breast Implant Illness? It’s All in Your Head, You Neurotic Woman!
Sometimes industry-funded medical studies are so biased and their outrageous conclusions are so bad that they’re good, at least in a Monty Python kind of way. Continue reading Breast Implant Illness? It’s All in Your Head, You Neurotic Woman!
If You Don’t Laugh, You’re Gonna Cry
Here I am chemo-bald. I cannot compete with that famous photograph of Joan Lunden battling breast cancer on the cover of the October 2014 edition People magazine. The TV host looks stunning with or without hair. I do not, so this hairless cartoon of me will have to suffice. Continue reading If You Don’t Laugh, You’re Gonna Cry
Boomer Chick’s Guide to Online Dating: Guest Blog
CJ: I have recently become friends with a wonderful multi-talented lady: Angela Schutz, author, life coach, career counselor and a youthful septuagenarian with a great sense of humor. She has written a online dating book that might save you heartache and make you laugh. I asked her to write a blog about it for my website and she graciously agreed to do one. Continue reading Boomer Chick’s Guide to Online Dating: Guest Blog
Semen Pills to Beat the Blues
Scientific research has uncovered another fascinating reason why lovemaking can make a woman feel good. It appears that semen may have antidepressant qualities. Continue reading Semen Pills to Beat the Blues
Putin the Stud and Polonium Tea

Looking for a powerful, influential man to marry? Do you want a guy with a warlike disposition and a lot of balls? How about someone bare-chested who can wrestle a bear? How virile is that? Russian President Vladimir Putin has officially been single since 2014, when his divorce from Lyudmila, his wife of 30 years, was finalized. Prior to her marriage, she was an Aeroflot flight attendant. Continue reading Putin the Stud and Polonium Tea
The Sweetest Revenge
I heard about a contractor who was so angry about his wife’s infidelity that he filled her car with cement. Everyone laughs when they hear that story. But where does a couple go from there? Definitely not reconciliation, and most likely an expensive acrimonious divorce. Continue reading The Sweetest Revenge
Christmas Gifts for an Unfaithful Ex 2021
Yes, I’m a hypocrite and inconsistent. In the last four years I’ve compiled a list of spoof Christmas gifts for a cheating ex, I haven’t included links to get any of the items. The mantra of my book, Adulterer’s Wife: How to Thrive Whether You Stay or Not, is that the best revenge is to get past the need for it, so I didn’t want to encourage anyone’s vengeful instincts. Now, by popular demand I’m including links to buy any items that are readily available. Some people told me they wanted to get things I mentioned in my previous 2020, 2019, 2018 and 2016 lists for friends, relatives and existing partners. There was a worldwide shortage of unfaithful exes in in 2017, so I never compiled a Christmas list for that year. Actually, I’m lying about that—I just dropped the ball. Continue reading Christmas Gifts for an Unfaithful Ex 2021
Massive Penis One-ups Adulterer’s Wife
“This is my eyebrow raiser,” declared my quirky friend Marc Jarrett, proudly holding aloft his copy of How to Cope with a Massive Penis by Karl Robshaw. I had just presented him with a copy of my book, Adulterer’s Wife: How to Thrive Whether You Stay or Not and he was reacting to a story I had told him about Stephen Lewis, a wonderful British eccentric I used to know, Continue reading Massive Penis One-ups Adulterer’s Wife
Forgiving Infidelity: Better after Betrayal
My eyes were so blurred with tears, I could barely read the text on the computer screen. I was checking the final corrections to my husband’s latest book. A tear dripped onto my handwritten notes, smudging the ink. Our office manager sat beside me. I blew my nose and told him I was suffering from terrible pollen allergies. Continue reading Forgiving Infidelity: Better after Betrayal
Should You Tell Someone Their Partner Is Cheating?
My husband was unfaithful throughout almost three decades of marriage. I take a controversial view. I was grateful I didn’t know about it till the end. Continue reading Should You Tell Someone Their Partner Is Cheating?
Covid Valentine for Brits, Americans and Crows
Coronavirus means lovers across the globe are spending Valentine’s Day apart. It’s ironic that after having been without a true Valentine for most of my youth, now that I’m romantically involved with someone, I can’t be with him. Continue reading Covid Valentine for Brits, Americans and Crows
Christmas Gifts for an Unfaithful Ex 2020
This year’s carefully curated Christmas collection is again drawn from across the globe. The products showcased here hail from England, Italy, France, China, America and even that very exotic country, California, as well as from completely off the planet. Continue reading Christmas Gifts for an Unfaithful Ex 2020
Post Traumatic Stress vs Post Traumatic Growth

Janelle: Do you know that four out of five women struggle with confidence and knowing who they are? The Women Emerging Fearlessly podcast is dedicated to helping women lead their lives with fearless confidence Continue reading Post Traumatic Stress vs Post Traumatic Growth
Naked Painted Lady as Role Model
A middle-aged woman, totally naked except for body paint, twirls around outdoors in the snow. She has a blissful smile on her face. It’s love coach Junie Moon Schreiber, delighted to have overcome years of disliking her own body. Continue reading Naked Painted Lady as Role Model
Coronavirus Libraries and Competing with My Ex

Covid-19 has caused the closure of all public libraries in my area, but I’ve been expanding the good material to read on my bookshelf nonetheless. In the process, I’ve been competing against my ex and developing my skills in obscure languages. Continue reading Coronavirus Libraries and Competing with My Ex
Isabel Allende and Late-in-Life Love in the Time of Coronavirus

While under the Covid-19 lockdown in California, 77-year-old author Isabel Allende has been reading Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, as well as writing another book and enjoying the company of her new husband, Roger Cukras. For Allende, it’s love in the time of coronavirus. After her long-term marriage ended in 2015, Allende expected to be single till she died. But now she declares she is in love and in lust with the man she married last year, and that if she can do that, anyone can. Continue reading Isabel Allende and Late-in-Life Love in the Time of Coronavirus
Risky Behavior in the Covid-19 Era
Sheltering in place has been a dangerous experience. I’ve suffered burns from dropping ovenware on myself—more meals at home so more cooking accidents. It’s a good thing I don’t like bagels—failed attempts to cut them in half is a major reason for ER visits. Continue reading Risky Behavior in the Covid-19 Era
Full-Frontal Covid-19 Fashion

My police surplus gas mask was recommended by Jeff who lives upstairs. He would wear the same model as mine in grocery stores even before lockdown happened. “I don’t care if people give me ugly looks as if I’ve just killed their dog,” he declared. “I don’t want to breathe in their microbes.” Continue reading Full-Frontal Covid-19 Fashion
E-Card Valentine Made Me Grumpy

At my advanced age, perhaps I should have been grateful that someone found me attractive enough to merit sending a Valentine’s Day greeting. But couple of years ago, my dearly beloved made a big mistake in what he chose to send me to mark the occasion. I may be old-fashioned, but am I the only person who finds animated e-cards intensely unromantic and annoying? Continue reading E-Card Valentine Made Me Grumpy