Every year, a guy I know reminds a movie producer friend of his that Valentine’s Day is coming up so that he remembers to buy cards and gifts for his various mistresses. Continue reading February 13: Valentine’s Day for Mistresses
Every year, a guy I know reminds a movie producer friend of his that Valentine’s Day is coming up so that he remembers to buy cards and gifts for his various mistresses. Continue reading February 13: Valentine’s Day for Mistresses
My book, Adulterer’s Wife: How to Thrive Whether You Stay or Not, was published by Jerome Headlands Press, owned by Diane Rapaport. She gave me a lot of support and editorial advice for the book I’m currently completing, Hotel Chemo. Diane told me, “If I had a friend with breast cancer, not only would I want them to read this book, I’d want all their friends and relatives to read it, because they will tend to be pretty clueless about what happens to someone with cancer.” It was a cruel irony that as I was finishing off Hotel Chemo’s final chapter, “Resting in Peace,” I found out that Diane had been diagnosed with terminal pancreatic cancer Continue reading Diane Sward Rapaport: Empowering Musicians, Hookers and Me
Despite being considered as a period for family togetherness, joy and goodwill to all, the holidays can be a toxic time for relationships on the rocks. Continue reading January Divorce for Dunces
Hot off the press – a new list of 12 Xmas Gifts for your unfaithful ex. These presents have been painstakingly gathered from all over the globe – England, France, China, Jamaica, New Zealand and, of course, America. Continue reading Christmas Gifts for a Cheating Ex 2019
“One wonders how so many falsehoods could be crammed into a single article.” tweeted Brit Hume of Fox News. Added President Trump, “This is a very big deal in Europe. Fake News is the Enemy of the People!” The offending article was “The Mystery of Melania” that appeared in the January 19, 2019 issue of The Telegraph in Britain. Yet the story for which Mrs. Trump’s lawyers in Britain extracted an apology and substantial damages was excerpted from a book that has been available in the United States since October 2018. Continue reading Was Melania Telegraph story fair and balanced?
Drawing on the success of the 12 Christmas Gifts for a Cheating Ex blog I wrote in 2016, here’s a brand new list of items for the discriminating gift buyer. Continue reading 12 Xmas Gifts for Unfaithful Exes
Read on if you dare! This moth hater blog was my first article to be rejected by Thrive Global, no doubt because of the Yuck Factor. My other submissions were all accepted. Having been up close and personal with clothes moths, I was intrigued to hear about a gay solution to get rid of them. Continue reading Moths in Drag and Fake Hair
I’ve tasted human meat, not once but twice. Despite the fact that it was my own flesh, I’m still alive to tell the tale. Shortly after popping out each of my two children, I dined on their placentas, sautéed with onions and garlic in a red wine sauce. I described my culinary experiences in all their gory detail for the Women’s section of telegraph.co.uk. Continue reading Confessions of a Cannibal Mom
TATIANA: Hello everyone, and welcome to the Sex, Love and Superpowers Podcast. I’m your host, Tatiana Berindei, and today I am here with CJ Grace, and we’re going to be talking about why infidelity in marriage happens, advice from the Adulterer’s Wife. Continue reading CJ Discusses Infidelity on Sex, Love and Superpowers Show
“The prerequisite for a good marriage, it seems to me, is the license to be unfaithful,” declared celebrated Swiss shrink Dr. Carl Jung in a letter he wrote to Sigmund Freud in 1910. Continue reading Carl Jung: Shameless Adulterer, Cruel Father and Archetype from Hell
Deciding whether or not to have a mastectomy (where all breast tissue is removed), either as a prophylactic or instead of a lumpectomy (where only the breast tumor and the area around it is taken out), is a very personal choice with many variables. BRCA1 gene mutation carrier, Caitlin Brodnick, in her terrifically-titled book, Dangerous Boobies: Breaking Up with My Time-Bomb Breasts (Berkeley, CA: Seal Press, 2017), makes a strong case for prophylactic mastectomies, describing a childhood filled with relatives dying from cancer. I have the slightly less risky BRCA2 rather than BRCA1 gene defect and I admit being biased against mastectomies. Continue reading Angelina Jolie’s BRCA Mastectomy Debate: My Biased View
I came across CJ Grace’s blog, Anna Rowe’s Anti-Catfishing Petition Misguided, and disagreed with some of her assumptions, so I contacted her to explain my point of view. We began a dialogue together and CJ, the author of Adulterer’s Wife: How to Thrive Whether You Stay or Not, invited me to post this guest blog on her website adultererswife.com.
I live in Britain, which has taken a strong stance against grooming children—building an emotional connection with a child to gain his or her trust for the purposes of sexual exploitation. Legislation is in place to protect children up to the age of 15 years and 364 days old, but as soon as you turn 16, there is nothing to protect you against these same abusers. Continue reading Anna Rowe Defends Her Anti-Catfishing Petition
Queen Elizabeth and Prince Philip celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary on November 20, 2017. Elizabeth is not only the longest-reigning and longest-married monarch in British history, but also has been the hardest working. Continue reading The Crown – British History as Game of Thrones
A Washington Post report by Monica Hesse and Dan Zak alleges systemic sexual assault by movie executive Harvey Weinstein dating back to the 1980s. It reminded me of attitudes towards women that were prevalent when I was working in the media at that time. Certain men I worked with in the BBC in Britain in the early 1980s were known for having what we girls described as “wandering hands syndrome.” Continue reading Harvey Weinstein and the 1980s Wandering Hands Era
I was busy at my computer working on “Resting in Peace”—the last chapter of the next book I’m writing, My Wild Ride: How to Thrive After Breast Cancer and Infidelity. Getting breast cancer for the second time had been a sharp reminder that I wasn’t a permanent resident on planet Earth. Continue reading Living in Monty Python’s Dead Parrot Sketch
Anna Rowe was duped into a 14-month romance with a married man she met on Tinder who had used a false name and profile picture. The woman, from Canterbury, England, now wants the use of false names on dating websites to be made illegal. Continue reading Anna Rowe’s Anti-Catfishing Petition Misguided
Getting my breasts groped through 5 millimeters of rubber 50 feet under the ocean was not exactly what I had expected when I signed up for a 2-tank Manta Ray Dive in Hawaii. Continue reading Undersea Groping
You can’t get away from all the paraphernalia about love and romance on Valentine’s Day. If you know your partner is cheating, this holiday will bring up all kinds of negative feelings whether or not he does anything to celebrate the day with you. In some ways the slimebag is damned if he does and damned if he doesn’t. Continue reading Valentine’s Day: Horrible Holiday for Cheaters’ Wives
Explicit sadomasochist sex in a “Red Room of Pain.” A plethora of sex toys and bondage tools. Yet the Fifty Shades of Grey trilogy about the love affair between seriously screwed-up Christian and virginal Anastasia is in many ways extremely traditional in the family values it promotes. Absolute fidelity is a given. Polyamory is completely off the table. Continue reading Fifty Shades Films Support Family Values and Kinky Sex
Most people would screen prospective tenants or employees more rigorously than a potential spouse. A landlord will want to ensure that a tenant has good credit and is going to pay the rent. Business owners will look at a person’s employment history to decide whether or hire him or her. But doing a background check on a potential mate? Isn’t that rather tacky and unromantic?