Society likes to paint the mistress as an immoral floozy or a scarlet woman. She is the evil villain trying to pry that hapless, helpless husband away from his lawfully wedded wife. Yet some might believe that the mistress herself is being victimized in some respects. Continue reading The Mistress: Villain or Victim?
All posts by CJ
HBO’s Divorce Show: I’d Prefer Euthanasia

After hearing about my book, Adulterer’s Wife: How to Thrive Whether You Stay or Not, people would ask me what I thought about the HBO series, Divorce. The show’s first season ended earlier this month to great acclaim. Continue reading HBO’s Divorce Show: I’d Prefer Euthanasia
12 Christmas Gifts for a Cheating Ex
I’m being horribly hypocritical writing this list of 12 gifts to mock the man in your life who has let you down. The mantra of my book, Adulterer’s Wife: How to Thrive Whether You Stay or Not is that revenge is not sweet and the best revenge is to get past the need for it. But I’m not recommending smashing his prized Ming vase or shooting him in the nuts—just some gently sardonic humor at his expense. If you want more ideas, take a look at my 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023 lists. Some of them even include a new feature—links to any items that are readily available. Continue reading 12 Christmas Gifts for a Cheating Ex
12 Clueless Excuses Adulterers Give Wives
The excuses men give when confronted about cheating vary from extremely predictable to astonishingly off the wall. However absurd some of these may seem, none have been made up. Continue reading 12 Clueless Excuses Adulterers Give Wives
Is He Addicted to Sex with the Other Woman?
An affair has none of the dreary baggage endemic in a long-term relationship. You can devote your time together to sex and romance rather than dealing with the kids or talking about taxes. There’s the excitement of secrecy and stolen moments together. You can indulge in wanton passion as you take a break from the real world, in a bubble that only you and your lover inhabit. Continue reading Is He Addicted to Sex with the Other Woman?
Should Horndog Trump Be President?
Vulgar remarks are not enough to turn me away from voting for Donald Trump. More disturbing to me are his business decisions, political naïveté and policies that seem to invite domestic and international disaster. If I felt he would make a good president, I would vote for him, despite the lewd video from 2005 of his private comments that has just been released by the Washington Post. Continue reading Should Horndog Trump Be President?
Ridiculous Revenge: Going Nuts over Infidelity
Clearly it’s a major shock to discover your dearly beloved’s infidelity. However some folks have compounded the awfulness of their situation by reacting in such an extreme fashion that they face prosecution for what they’ve done to get back at their philandering partners. Continue reading Ridiculous Revenge: Going Nuts over Infidelity
Multiple Lovers & Tantric Sex: Quantity vs Quality
Indian rajas were renowned for having thousands of lovers and their pick of the most beautiful women. These rajas and many of their partners were extensively trained in advanced Tantric sex techniques. Yet despite this, according to some of the ancient literature of the time, Indian princes and monarchs often complained that the sex was lackluster and unsatisfying. Continue reading Multiple Lovers & Tantric Sex: Quantity vs Quality
Cheating: An American Presidential Tradition
“If Hillary Clinton can’t satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy America?” tweeted Republican Presidential Nominee Donald Trump on April 16, 2015. He clearly had no sympathy for her dual role as First Lady and adulterer’s wife during Bill Clinton’s presidency. Since so many past presidents have cheated on their wives, does Trump’s extensive experience in infidelity make him uniquely suited for the job? Despite the fact that unlike virtually all previous US presidents, Trump has no background in government, the military or politics, bonking babes is one subject he knows a lot about.
Continue reading Cheating: An American Presidential Tradition
Killing French Infidels for 72 Virgins
The horrendous Bastille Day slaughter in Nice on July 14 was just the latest in a series of terrorist atrocities done for the sake of Allah in France. There have been so many that Wikipedia lists them in a table. Nice was the 13th Islamic attack in France since December 2014 – all for the promise of 72 virgins in paradise. In January 2015, there was a mass shooting at the Paris offices of the satirical magazine, Charlie Hebdo, which had dared to publish cartoons about Muhammad.
The Cheating Gene?
You meet a man. You fall in love. You want to marry him, but you don’t want to be an adulterer’s wife. Wouldn’t it be great if you could check out his DNA before tying the knot to see if he’s likely to be unfaithful? Continue reading The Cheating Gene?
Cheating Husbands: Demons or Studly Heroes?
Men and women tend to have different views about married guys who bed a lot of other women. If an old goat is managing to attract a pretty young thing half his age, many men will admire his prowess and wish that they could do the same thing. Continue reading Cheating Husbands: Demons or Studly Heroes?
Fidelity Dating vs Ashley Madison
“Life is short. Have an affair.” That’s the slogan of the extramarital dating site No—scratch that. Be faithful. is a dating site launched in January 2015. It tells potential members: “By signing up you agree you are not in a relationship. You will be honest and faithful. The catchphrase is: “Love is precious—be faithful.” Continue reading Fidelity Dating vs Ashley Madison
Migrants Threaten Women’s Rights in Germany
Women gathering in Cologne’s central square to celebrate the countdown to 2016 got a New Year’s Eve they would never forget. A mob of about 1,000 Muslim men, many of them apparently recent immigrants, descended on the crowd and subjected hundreds of women to theft, molestation and rape. Continue reading Migrants Threaten Women’s Rights in Germany
How Adulterers’ Wives Celebrate Mother’s Day
Mother’s Day can be a depressing time for wives with cheating partners. The family may come together, but celebrations can have a bittersweet flavor. It won’t be like it was before infidelity reared its ugly head. You are unlikely to feel secure in the unwavering love and support of the father of your kids. If you and your husband have already split, maybe your kids will take you to a restaurant, but you might wistfully notice all the intact families around you celebrating at the other tables.
Continue reading How Adulterers’ Wives Celebrate Mother’s Day
Robin Williams Tunnel of Love

I had a bittersweet moment seeing the “Robin Williams Tunnel” sign at the tunnel just before crossing the Golden Gate Bridge to enter San Francisco. I’d been away for some time. It had formerly been known as the Waldo Tunnel, after a 19th century politician most people have never heard of. The new name commemorated a brilliant comedian and much loved Bay Area resident, who ended his life by suicide. Continue reading Robin Williams Tunnel of Love
Revenge Is Not Sweet
In the movies, revenge is sweet. In real life, that’s not necessarily the case. The desire for revenge can be a very toxic emotion that keeps you bound to all the negative effects you’ve suffered from his infidelity. Seeking vengeance can lead to endless hatred and bitterness—it never brings back what you have lost. Continue reading Revenge Is Not Sweet
Adultery Trumps God in the Presidential Election?
In the upcoming Presidential election, will adultery trump God? Currently, the Republican front-runners are Donald Trump, a known philanderer, and Ted Cruz, who ties his every moves to God and sounds more like a preacher admonishing his flock. Continue reading Adultery Trumps God in the Presidential Election?
Caught Cheating? Marital Damage Control for Dunces
Men often react in the dumbest way when their wives catch them cheating. You’d think they deliberately want to end their marriages, but more often than not, that isn’t the case. Unlike most of this website, I’m writing this page specifically for men, although my advice is equally applicable if you’re an adulterous wife caught cheating. So listen up, philandering husbands! Unless you’re absolutely sure you want to dump your wife and deal with most likely an acrimonious, expensive divorce, you need to invest your time in some serious damage control. Here are ten points to consider. Perhaps they’ll help you to salvage your marriage. Continue reading Caught Cheating? Marital Damage Control for Dunces
It’s not, dammit!
I never realized that would be a difficult website for people to remember or spell. I told a friend of mine, who shall remain nameless, about my site, emphasizing that it was geared towards women who were married to adulterers. She said that the URL I gave her was a porn site. Continue reading It’s not, dammit!