Category Archives: Infidelity

Robin Williams Tunnel of Love

Edward Betts, Wikimedia Commons

I had a bittersweet moment seeing the “Robin Williams Tunnel” sign at the tunnel just before crossing the Golden Gate Bridge to enter San Francisco. I’d been away for some time. It had formerly been known as the Waldo Tunnel, after a 19th century politician most people have never heard of. The new name commemorated a brilliant comedian and much loved Bay Area resident, who ended his life by suicide. Continue reading Robin Williams Tunnel of Love

Revenge Is Not Sweet

In the movies, revenge is sweet. In real life, that’s not necessarily the case. The desire for revenge can be a very toxic emotion that keeps you bound to all the negative effects you’ve suffered from his infidelity. Seeking vengeance can lead to endless hatred and bitterness—it never brings back what you have lost. Continue reading Revenge Is Not Sweet

Adultery Trumps God in the Presidential Election?

In the upcoming Presidential election, will adultery trump God? Currently, the Republican front-runners are Donald Trump, a known philanderer, and Ted Cruz, who ties his every moves to God and sounds more like a preacher admonishing his flock. Continue reading Adultery Trumps God in the Presidential Election?

Caught Cheating? Marital Damage Control for Dunces

damge_control_wide_01 sm2 Men often react in the dumbest way when their wives catch them cheating. You’d think they deliberately want to end their marriages, but more often than not, that isn’t the case. Unlike most of this website, I’m writing this page specifically for men, although my advice is equally applicable if you’re an adulterous wife caught cheating. So listen up, philandering husbands! Unless you’re absolutely sure you want to dump your wife and deal with most likely an acrimonious, expensive divorce, you need to invest your time in some serious damage control. Here are ten points to consider. Perhaps they’ll help you to salvage your marriage. Continue reading Caught Cheating? Marital Damage Control for Dunces

It’s not, dammit!

I never realized that would be a difficult website for people to remember or spell. I told a friend of mine, who shall remain nameless, about my site, emphasizing that it was geared towards women who were married to adulterers. She said that the URL I gave her was a porn site. Continue reading It’s not, dammit!

Jealous Bitch Blog by CJ Grace: Angry woman with steam coming out of both ears types at a computer.

He’s Unfaithful: Now You’re a Jealous Bitch?

Unless you’re a Stepford Wife or a zombie, sooner or later something that could be described as a complaint about his infidelity will come out of your mouth. Right away he’ll typecast you—the adulterer’s wife—into the jealous bitch role. Continue reading He’s Unfaithful: Now You’re a Jealous Bitch?