Category Archives: Social Commentary

What Is the Perfect Man?

Perfect man made out of milk chocolate with a muscular body and wearing white boxers decorated with red heartsInspired by this Valentine’s Day Perfect Man immortalized in premium milk chocolate, I decided to search for an answer to the complex question that it brought to mind. Is the ideal man sweet and decadently rich with a muscular chest and big biceps?

Yes and no, according to the results of the 2019 Ideal Partner Global Survey, Continue reading What Is the Perfect Man?

Are Gender Affirming Practices Carcinogenic?

As a two-time breast cancer survivor and BBC-trained journalist, I have done a significant amount of research into the causes of cancer. My self-help memoir, My Wild Ride: How to Thrive After Breast Cancer and Infidelity, not only includes cartoons and humor, but also a bibliography referencing nearly 70 books and more than 100 articles and studies. Continue reading Are Gender Affirming Practices Carcinogenic?

Is God Racist and Anti-Semitic? If So, Can We Fight Back by Ditching Our Bras?

Bra-less Jewish woman in a black dress with star of David medallion.I consider myself quite a spiritual person, so why am I saying something that folks might find spiritually outrageous? Most of us are aware of the history of black slavery in America and the Holocaust in Europe but something else is happening right now. Did you know that young black women have about double the death rate from breast cancer as white women? Continue reading Is God Racist and Anti-Semitic? If So, Can We Fight Back by Ditching Our Bras?

Sparring with ChatGPT on Bras and Cancer

Female robot with blue eyes and a pink bra by angel8888 from DepositPhotos modified with bra by CJ grace

Bare Facts or a Bare-Faced Lie?

Numerous studies support a strong link between bras and breast cancer. Yet mainstream search engines focus on a flawed 2014 study that did not show a connection and insist that no credible evidence exists showing otherwise. What about the much-vaunted new AI tool, available in free and paid versions, ChatGPT, that everyone is raving about to solve their research and copy writing needs? Continue reading Sparring with ChatGPT on Bras and Cancer

If Breaking Up with Your Bra Is Hard to Do…

In many indigenous cultures in Africa and South America, it is generally acceptable for both men and women to go without clothing that covers the torso. Yet in the West, women going topless in public might face prosecution for indecent exposure. William J. Mayo MD, one of the founders of the Mayo Clinic, wrote in the article “Susceptibility to Cancer,” published in the 1931 Annals of Surgery, that “Cancer of the breast occurs largely among civilized women. In those countries where breasts are allowed to be exposed, that is, are not compressed or irritated by clothing, it is rare.” Continue reading If Breaking Up with Your Bra Is Hard to Do…

Are Infidelity Surveys Worthless?

So say you’re having a secret affair, squeezed into your busy schedule as you juggle your family life with illicit interludes. What would you rather be doing—having torrid sex with your lover or filling out a survey about it? You could always do the survey during family time—just make sure that your spouse isn’t looking over your shoulder. Continue reading Are Infidelity Surveys Worthless?

Glenda Green Didn’t Want to Read My Book yet Liked It!

Glenda Green poses next to her painting, First Light, which graces the cover of her bestselling book, "Love without End."
Glenda Green with her painting, First Light, which graces the cover of her bestselling book, “Love Without End.” Photo by CJ Grace.

The comedy self-help memoir I’ve just had published, My Wild Ride: How to Thrive After Breast Cancer and Infidelity,” references almost 70 books, including one of the most quoted books in modern spiritual literature, the bestseller “Love without End by Glenda Green. Continue reading Glenda Green Didn’t Want to Read My Book yet Liked It!

Breast Cancer: Humor as Healing

CJ Grace speaking at the Global Breast Cancer Conference on October 5, 2022, holds up a Monty Python Spamalot badge reading, "I'm not dead yet!"

I had a motto while dealing with both breast cancer and an unfaithful husband: “If you don’t laugh, you’ll cry.” I tried to find absurd humor in every situation I was faced with and wanted to avoid the cancer victim mentality. I’m a two-time breast cancer survivor with a mutated BRCA gene that makes me more susceptible to cancer. Continue reading Breast Cancer: Humor as Healing

Boomer Chick’s Guide to Online Dating: Guest Blog

CJ: I have recently become friends with a wonderful multi-talented lady: Angela Schutz, author, life coach, career counselor and a youthful septuagenarian with a great sense of humor. She has written a online dating book that might save you heartache and make you laugh. I asked her to write a blog about it for my website and she graciously agreed to do one. Continue reading Boomer Chick’s Guide to Online Dating: Guest Blog

Putin the Stud and Polonium Tea

Vladimir Putin and Lyudmila Shkrebneva on their wedding day, 28 July 1983
Vladimir Putin and Lyudmila Shkrebneva on their wedding day, 28 July 1983. Photo from

Looking for a powerful, influential man to marry? Do you want a guy with a warlike disposition and a lot of balls? How about someone bare-chested who can wrestle a bear? How virile is that? Russian President Vladimir Putin has officially been single since 2014, when his divorce from Lyudmila, his wife of 30 years, was finalized. Prior to her marriage, she was an Aeroflot flight attendant. Continue reading Putin the Stud and Polonium Tea

Massive Penis One-ups Adulterer’s Wife

Marc Jarrett holds up How to Cope with a Massive Penis book“This is my eyebrow raiser,” declared my quirky friend Marc Jarrett, proudly holding aloft his copy of How to Cope with a Massive Penis by Karl Robshaw. I had just presented him with a copy of my book, Adulterer’s Wife: How to Thrive Whether You Stay or Not and he was reacting to a story I had told him about Stephen Lewis, a wonderful British eccentric I used to know, Continue reading Massive Penis One-ups Adulterer’s Wife