CJ Grace: Radio, Video and On-Stage Appearances


CJ Grace Speaks at Conferences and Events

CJ Grace has been invited to be a speaker at various events. She talks about infidelity and breast cancer, always infusing her these subjects with her signature Monty-Python style humor.

Global Panel of Infidelity Survivors: How to Thrive After Infidelity

CJ was invited to be one of the eighteen speakers at this free 2-hour online event to help infidelity survivors that took place on June 4, 2021. It was organized by a remarkable woman, Regeline “Gigi” Sabbat, author of Walk with Me, and founder of Life Services of America. Gigi endured domestic abuse and sexual assault yet came through it with an incredibly positive attitude and a desire to help others overcome adversity. She has organized events to help survivors of various traumas, including human trafficking, depression and infertility. At the infidelity event, survivors told their stories with the aim of helping others to let go of blame and bitterness and learn how to deal with an unfaithful partner in a positive manner.
See below for CJ Grace’s video presentation at the Infidelity Survivors Event.
Duration 5 min. 27 sec.

See below for CJ Grace’s presentation as audio only including the emcee introduction at the Infidelity Survivors Event.
Duration : 6 min. 8 sec.

See below for Infidelity Survivors Full Event.
Duration: 1 hr. 48 min. 38 sec.

Amplifying Voices for Women’s Empowerment: Taming the Emotional Roller Coaster

Find out how to get rid of negative emotions arising from any kind of adversity. Hear the speech CJ gave at the “Amplifying Voices for Women’s Empowerment” event, originally broadcast on July 25, 2021. In her one-hour presentation, CJ describes in detail the 6-part plan she developed that helped her deal with both breast cancer and infidelity. Included was her signature chocolate mindfulness exercise using a Lindor truffle. So, make sure you have a wrapped piece of chocolate on hand to join in! The exercise is in CJ’s free PDF, Overcoming Infidelity: Tools to Tame the Roller Coaster of Negative Emotions.
Amplifying Voices was a weeklong series of workshops and lectures to raise money for Dr. Roz’s Healing Place, a center in Toronto, Ontario. that helps abused women and children rebuild their lives. Kudos to Navi Bliss, Celeste Frenette, Dr. Jackie Eldridge and Ingrid Palmer for organizing this amazing event!
Duration: 56 min 11 sec.

Chocolate Mindfulness Exercise with CJ Grace

CJ did a 9-minute practice video of her chocolate mindfulness exercise a couple of days before including it as part of a live one-hour presentation she gave at the Amplifying Voices for Women’s Empowerment fundraiser event on July 25, 2021. The practice turned out quite well, except for maybe CJ getting chocolate on her nose. She uploaded the video to Instagram, where you can see it even if you don’t have an Instagram account.
Duration: 9 min. 9 sec.

Speaker Slam Competition on Forgiveness

This online contest was held on August 18, 2021. CJ ‘s speech, “Forgiving Infidelity: Betrayal Brought Blessings” was placed in the Top Ten. Speaker Slam is North America’s largest inspirational speaking competition, created by Rina Rovinelli and  Dan Shaikh, who also run the Emerging Speakers training program.
Duration: 4 min. 44 sec.

World Leader Summit Women’s League: Thriving After Infidelity and Breast Cancer

CJ Grace was a speaker at the World Leader Summit Women’s League event on March 8, 2022, International Women’s Day. She spoke about how to thrive after infidelity and breast cancer. The tools she described could be used to help overcome any kind of adversity. The World Leader Summit brings together the world leaders, entrepreneurs and world class business persons, doctors, scientist, sports personality, celebrities, women leaders, professors, parliament members under one umbrella to discuss how they are managing to succeed even in this pandemic, to know their secrets of success and the strategies they follow.
Speech duration: 15 min. 32 sec.

Global Cancer Conference April 2022

Bras and breast cancer, refusing mastectomies, dealing with unsolicited cancer advice overload. Those were some of the topics CJ Grace touched on in her speech at the Global Cancer Conference on April 15, 2022. The event was organized by Regeline “Gigi” Sabbat author of Walk with Me host of the Walk with Me podcast and founder of Life Services of America.
Duration:  6 min. 31 sec.

Below is a link to the entire Global Cancer Conference Event on YouTube.
Cancer Conference Duration: 1 hr. 18 min. 45 sec.

Maui Earth Day Festival round logo with sun, mountains, palm trees Hawaiian dancers and at the bottom of the design, whales in the ocean.Maui Earth Day Festival 2022

CJ Grace ripped into bras on the main stage of the Maui Earth Day Festival on May 1, 2022. She was invited to speak about breast cancer awareness.  About 3,000 people attended the festival. It was one of the first large-scale events to be held on Maui for more than two years because of the pandemic.
Duration: 11 min. 13 sec.

Global Breast Cancer Conference October 2022

Finding humor in breast cancer allows me to raise important issues in an entertaining way. I was invited to talk about humor as healing at the Global Breast Cancer Conference on October 5, 2022, organized by Regeline “Gigi” Sabbat and Ragne Sinikas.
Speech Duration: 6 min. 17 sec.

Below is a link to the entire Global Breast Cancer Conference Event on YouTube. I was proud to be on the same panel as these inspiring speakers who recounted their stories with heart and humor.
Cancer Conference Duration: 1 hr. 15 min. 9 sec.

Healing & Growth Anthology Book Launch CJ Grace Trailer

CJ Grace was invited to be a co-author of an anthology published in December, 2022. Healing & Growth: Inspiring Stories for Massive Transformation is the brainchild of  Regeline “Gigi” Sabbat, author of Walk with Me, and founder of Life Services of America. CJ  contributed a chapter to the book entitled, “My Wild Ride Through Breast Cancer and Infidelity Made Me Stronger and Happier.” To promote the Healing & Growth book launch celebration on December 1, 2022, CJ described some of the issues she covered in her chapter.
Duration: 49 sec.

Healing & Growth Anthology Book Launch

On December 1, 2022, the anthology Healing & Growth: Inspiring Stories for Massive Transformation was officially launched in an event attended by many of the co-authors, including CJ Grace.
CJ Grace Speech Duration: 3 min. 10 sec.

Book Launch Entire Event Duration: 1 hr. 43 min. 41 sec.

World Leader Summit December 2022 Event CJ Grace Trailer

CJ Grace was invited to be a speaker at the December 2022 Mega Summit organized by the international business networking organization, the World Leader Summit. Prior to her speech on December 6, 2022, she spoke briefly about the topics she was going to cover.
Duration: 1 min. 38 sec.

World Leader Summit: The Cancer and Infidelity Connection

On December 6, 2022, CJ Grace was a speaker at the week-long December 2022 WLS Mega Summit. She explained the connection between breast cancer and infidelity. The World Leader Summit was founded by Arijit Bhattacharyya, who is based in India. His passion is to connect global leaders on one platform to exchange ideas and do business together.
Duration: 24 min. 43 sec.

Becoming the Best You (BTBY) Mastermind, February 2023

How can you use adversity to become the best possible version of yourself? CJ Grace answered that question when she was the closing presenter at an online BTBY Mastermind which took place on February 11, 2023. BTBY events are organized by Brenda Ring Wood, whose website is comechangeyourlife.com. CJ also gave some tips about how to stay sane after a breast cancer diagnosis and in a discussion with Brenda at the end of her presentation, CJ explained the link between breast cancer and infidelity.
CJ Grace BTBY speech duration: 40 min. 33 sec.

Mastermind duration: 2 hr. 53 min. 54 sec.

Global Confidence Conference

CJ Grace described how to use humor as a confidence booster  at the Global Confidence Conference on March 10, 2023, organized by Regeline “Gigi” Sabbat, founder of Life Service Center of America. CJ dealt with the double whammy of discovering her husband’s infidelity and shortly after being diagnosed with breast cancer. Drawing on her experience as an author of bestselling comic self-help books, CJ explained how humor can help you regain confidence and self-esteem after both personal and professional setbacks.
CJ Grace confidence speech duration: 7 min. 25 sec.

Confidence conference duration: 1 hr. 59 min. 39 sec.

LeadHERship Global: Adversity as a Catalyst for Success Trailer

Is happiness a numbers game? In a one-minute trailer, CJ Grace described her upcoming presentation and Q&A, Adversity as a Catalyst for Success, being held on Tuesday, April 25, at 2PM Pacific Time  CJ explained that she would draw on her experiences dealing with the double whammy of my husband’s infidelity followed by getting breast cancer and reveal:
• 4 keys to happiness, both personal and professional
• 6-part program to banish negative emotions
• 2 mantras to deal with betrayal and illness
Event hosted by LeadHERship Global and the C-Suite Network. No membership required. Register for this free hour-long online presentation here.
Trailer duration: 1 min. 5 sec.

LeadHERship Global Clip: 4 Keys to Happiness

CJ Grace likes to be prepared in advance, so she recorded a practice run-through to make sure the PowerPoint slide show for her LeadHERship Global / C-Suite Network online presentation, “Adversity as a Catalyst to Success,” that took place on  April 25, 2023. would work smoothly on Zoom. She thought that the 4 Keys section turned out well, so  here it is.
Duration: 8 min. 47 sec.

LeadHERship Global Clip: 6-Part Plan to Overcome Adversity

CJ Grace developed a powerful plan of action to dig herself out of devastation when faced with the double whammy of her husband’s infidelity followed by getting breast cancer. Her program is useful to deal with any kind of adversity. it was the main part of CJ’s PowerPoint slide show for her LeadHERship Global / C-Suite Network online presentation, “Adversity as a Catalyst to Success,” which took place on  April 25, 2023.
You can work on these six steps in any order and you won’t necessarily finish one part and then move on to the next. Most likely, you’ll be doing some of these things simultaneously. The aim is to become a more complete, creative and joyful person, with or without a partner.
Duration: 18 min. 30 sec.

LeadHERship Global: Adversity as a Catalyst for Success (Entire Presentation)

Adversity busting tools: The power of neutral. Keys to happiness. Mantras by which to optimize your personal and professional life. Plus a bit of humor too. Watch the half-hour presentation CJ gave on April 25, 2023, for LeadHERship Global, a worldwide networking group with 11,000 members.
Duration: 30 min. 55 sec.

Ahimsa Sanctuary Farm Earth Day Festival 2023

CJ Grace pranced about in pink throwing her bra to the crowd while talking about breast cancer issues at the Earth Day Festival on April 23, 2023, held at the Ahimsa Sanctuary Farm in Haiku, Maui. When she began speaking, acclaimed singer-songwriter Fantuzzi had just finished playing music on stage with Grammy-winner George Kahumoku Jr. You can see the band members behind CJ, disconnecting their equipment. When she described the link between bras and breast cancer, encouraging everyone to ditch their bras, Fantuzzi stripped off his shirt in solidarity! There’s a lot of background noise on this recording, but you can watch it with subtitles on YouTube rather than looking at the non-captioned version embedded in this webpage.
Duration: 3 min. 34 sec.

Below is a clip of CJ’s bra-flinging interaction with Fantuzzi, shot from a different angle than the video above.
Duration: 48 sec.

Bitterroot Book Club Presentation in Montana

On June 6, 2023, the Bitterroot Book Club in Western Montana invited CJ Grace to give a presentation and answer questions about her two comic self-help books, My Wild Ride: How to Thrive After Breast Cancer  and Infidelity. and  Adulterer’s Wife: How to Thrive Whether You Stay or Not. Some excerpts of the presentation are below.

Outlines: The Key to Non-Fiction Book Writing

Writing an outline is the key to writing a non-fiction book. How do you do it? And once you’ve written your book, what do you do if you aren’t 100% happy with what you’ve published? 

Why It’s Cool to Read Fiction If You Know the Author

What makes fiction writing different from nonfiction writing? What’s great about fiction written by someone you know personally? CJ Grace answered those questions during the presentation she gave to the Bitterroot Book Club.
Duration: 1 min. 14 sec.

Laughter and Being Neutral to Adversity

Seeing the absurd humor of life and cultivating a neutral attitude towards setbacks is the key to a happy life, says Ex-BBC journalist and comic self-help author CJ Grace.  In this video clip from her book club presentation, she explains her reasoning for this  and also refers to a book called The Power of Mind: A Tibetan Monk’s Guide to Finding Freedom in Every Challenge, by Tibetan Buddhist Rinpoche, Khentrul Lodro Thaye.
Duration: 1 min. 27 sec.

A Better Strategy than Revenge

CJ Grace talks about her first book, Adulterer’s Wife: How to Thrive Whether You Stay or Not, during a presentation she gave to the Bitterroot Book Club in Western Montana on June 6, 2023. She explains exactly why the best revenge is to get past the need for it.

Dealing with Unsolicited Advice When Seriously Ill

It’s something that happens to anyone with serious illness: CJ Grace was besieged with unsolicited advice when she faced the double whammy of breast cancer and an unfaithful husband. She explained how she dealt with that situation a presentation she gave to the Bitterroot Book Club.
Duration: 3 min. 3 sec.

Planning for Death and Dying

One chapter of CJ Grace’s comic self-help memoir, “My Wild Ride: How to Thrive After Breast Cancer and Infidelity,” has been universally praised by everyone who has read it because of the vital information it covers. It’s the final chapter, entitled “Resting in Peace.” At a presentation she gave to the Bitterroot Book Club in Western Montana on June 6, 2023, CJ explained exactly why this chapter resonated with so many people. The forms she mentions in the video clip from that presentation are the Five Wishes form from www.fivewishes.org and the Caregivers and Consent Form from www.ourpatientrights.com. There are a number of different forms you can use for an advance healthcare directive or living will, as well as various options as to how to fill them out and varying rules about a form’s legal validity in different locations, so it’s important to research what documents are right for your own particular circumstances.
Duration 4 min. 27 min.

Global Cancer Conference 2023

What does breast cancer have to do with infidelity? According to ex-BBC journalist CJ Grace, one often follows the other and the connection goes in both directions. CJ  was a speaker at the 2023 Global Breast Cancer Survivors Event on October 11, organized by Regeline “Gigi” Sabbat of Life Service Center of America, and Ragne Sinikas.
Speech Duration: 12 min. 3 sec.

Entire Event Duration: 2 hrs. 5 min. 59 sec.

Ahimsa Sanctuary Farm Earth Day Festival 2024

Bashing bras on Earth Day in Maui seems to have become an annual event for CJ Grace. So she has invested in some bigger, brighter and pinker bras to throw around on stage! CJ Grace pranced about in pink flinging bras to the crowd while talking about breast cancer issues at the Earth Day Festival. It was held at the Ahimsa Sanctuary Farm in Haiku, Maui on April 21, 2024. Later at the event, she also gave a 45 minute presentation discussing  breast cancer issues in more depth.
Video duration: 3 min. 30 sec.
Audio only duration: 4min. 53 sec.

CJ Grace Standup Comedy

CJ Grace goes on stage at Gilligan’s Bar and Grill in Maui and attempts to channel her inner Robin Williams.

Cancer Standup Comedy: Unsolicited Advice

Riffing about being besieged with unsolicited advice about how to deal with breast cancer, this was part of CJ Grace’s maiden voyage into standup comedy on stage at Gilligan’s Bar and Grill in Maui on June 14, 2022.
Duration: 1 min. 56 sec.

Cancer Standup Comedy: Eyelash Envy

This was the bluest part of CJ Grace’s comedy routine at Gilligan’s Bar and Grill in Maui on June 14, 2022. She gives her opinions on chemo hair loss, Joan Lunden and the importance of eye candy.
Duration 3 min. 47 sec.

Infidelity Standup Comedy

CJ Grace describes her transition from part-time wife to happy divorcee. She was on the standup comedy stage at Gilligan’s Bar and Grill in Maui on June 21, 2022.
Duration: 7 min. 22 sec.

Standup: When AI Gets It Wrong

What if Google and Amazon started rating your lovemaking skills? CJ Grace was riffing about that as well as all the times she had seen AI get it hopelessly wrong, because sometimes artificial intelligence is exceedingly dumb. The Thrive Global article CJ mentions is “Diane Sward Rapaport: Empowering Musicians, Hookers and Me.” CJ was on the standup comedy stage at Gilligan’s Bar and Grill in Maui on July 12, 2022. CJ regrets to report, that once her second book, My Wild Ride: How to Thrive After Breast Cancer and Infidelity, came out with a lot of publicity ensuing, Diane’s photo is no longer appearing on the CJ Grace Google knowledge panel.
Duration: 9 min. 12 sec.

Leaf Blowers and Star Trek Standup

Ex-BBC journalist CJ Grace riffs about one of America’s most hated items and offers some Star Trek inspired solutions. She was on stage at Gilligans Bar and Grill in Maui on July 26, 2022. Leaf blower rants are a bit of a sideline for CJ. She normally writes comedy self-help books about breast cancer and infidelity.
Duration: 6 min. 36 sec.

Driving Standup

Can you blame bad driving on your parents’ genes? Ex-BBC journalist and comedy self-help author CJ Grace discussed this this thorny issue on stage at Gilligan’s Bar and Grill in Maui on August 2, 2022.
Duration: 6 min. 54 sec.

Standup: Financial Alchemy and Farting

Absurd humor follows CJ everywhere, even when doing something as mundane as ordering a book on Amazon. She wasn’t going to do any standup until after finishing the launch of her new book, My Wild Ride: How to Thrive After Breast Cancer and Infidelity. Then life gave CJ a gift of wonderful comedy, so on September 6, 2022, she had to go back on stage at Gilligan’s Bar and Grill in Maui to talk about it.
Duration: 6 min. 52 sec.

CJ Grace Live TV Hosting on the Thriving Women Network

Since November 2022, CJ has been a co-host on several live TV shows which air on the Thriving Women Network (TWN). As an experienced BBC  broadcaster and author who has written books about how to thrive after adversity, she feels very much at home as part of the TWN team. The network broadcasts through e360TV.com and is available on Amazon Fire, Roku and Apple TV. TWN can also be heard in audio-only format on Spotify and Apple Podcasts. Shows include Thriving Women Talk and Every Child Can Learn (ECCL), which CJ has occasionally hosted, as well as Financial Freedom and AMP Sports.  CJ is a regular presenter on the two TWN shows listed below, Book-ish Talk and Uncomfortable Conversations.

Logo for Bookish Talk, a live TV show on the Thriving Women NetworkBook-ish Talk

CJ co-hosts the live TV show, Book-ish Talk, on the Thriving Women Network, which airs on Fridays at Noon Eastern Time. CJ is a former BBC journalist and humorous self-help author. Her dad was a publisher and her mom was an author. CJ helped her ex-husband produce about a dozen titles and has now written her own books. She knows the publishing industry pretty well and loves both reading and writing. She is thrilled to be one of the hosts on Book-ish Talk. On the show are authors, publishers and book production and marketing experts from all over the world. The mission is to encourage, enlighten and empower viewers to explore various genres of literature not only to read but also to inspire them to write their own material, whether fiction or nonfiction. Why? Because all of us have a story to tell.

Logo for Uncomfortable Conversations, a live TV show on the Thriving Women NetworkUncomfortable Conversations

CJ co-hosts the live TV show, Uncomfortable Conversations, which airs on Wednesdays at Noon Eastern Time on the Thriving Women Network. As an ex-BBC reporter and self-help author, CJ  writes about somewhat uncomfortable subjects—breast cancer and infidelity. But she spices up her books with humor and cartoons to make those topics more palatable. She strongly believes that being willing to have conversations about difficult topics, and listening without judgment to people with different views is essential to be able to go through life with an empathetic and positive attitude. That’s why she loves being one of the hosts on Uncomfortable Conversations. The aim of the show is to encourage, enlighten and empower viewers to have meaningful, non-judgmental conversations about personal and social issues with those who don’t necessarily share their perspective. The reliance on communicating by text, email and social media has eroded the vital skill of talking with each other in person face-to-face and having the courage to discuss difficult subjects. That makes the Uncomfortable Conversations TV show even more important in today’s polarized world, a subject CJ has written about on Thrive Global.

Talking to Kids about Gender Identity

The January 11, 2023 episode of Uncomfortable Conversations (Season 3, Episode 1) looked at how to discuss gender identity with your children. CJ Grace as co-host took an international perspective and brought up an number of issues on that subject that may not be well-know in the United States.
Duration: 58 min. 11 sec.

Bras and Breast Cancer

One of the world’s foremost researchers on the bra-cancer link, Sydney Ross Singer, author of the groundbreaking book Dressed to Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras, was interviewed live by CJ on the May 3, 2023 episode of Uncomfortable Conversations (Season 3, Episode 15). The entire program focused on breast cancer issues.
Duration: 1 hr. 4 min. 35 sec.

Transgender Issues

The June 7, 2023 episode (Season 3, Episode 20) of Uncomfortable Conversations focused on another controversial topic, transgender issues. As a co-host on the show, CJ took the bull by the horns and in the discussion included some problematic aspects of transgenderism that run counter to some of what appears in mainstream media.
Duration: 1 hr. 1 min. 49 sec.

Maui Fires Special

The premiere episode of the 4th season of Uncomfortable Conversations was a special about the Maui Wildfires. Produced and co-hosted by CJ Grace, it aired on August 30, 2023, filling a 90-minute rather than the regular one hour slot. Co-host Sabrina Farmer-Protic was bravely streaming from Brandon, Florida despite being under threat of evacuation from Hurricane Idalia, and CJ was broadcasting from ground zero – Maui. Guests, Steve Calkins of Hungry Heroes Hawaii, videographer Ed Ellsworth, grassroots organizer Paul Deslauriers, and Steve Phillips of Local Harvest, discussed various aspects of the tragedy and solutions to move forward.
Duration: 1 hr. 24 min. 30 sec.

Thriving Women Talk

CJ co-hosted Season 5, Episode 15, broadcast on November 15, 2022, which discussed the concept of gratitude.

Every Child Can Learn

CJ co-hosted Season 2, Episode 4, broadcast on February 1, 2023, which discussed the thorny issues of book censorship and critical race theory.

CJ Grace Radio and Podcast Appearances

Some of these shows include advertising or other guests. To hear CJ’s interviews only, use the audio player bars. To hear the original program if still available, click on the show icon.

Woman’s Hour on BBC Radio 4

Hear CJ interviewed live by Jane Garvey on the British national radio show, Woman’s Hour, on June 21, 2016. CJ was the lead item on this flagship BBC Radio 4  program that has more than 3.5 million listeners. On June 27, 2016, inspired by the audience response to CJ’s interview, the whole of Woman’s Hour was devoted to a phone-in about infidelity.
Interview duration: 18 min. 36 sec.

Jo Good on BBC Radio London

Hear CJ interviewed by Jo Good on BBC Radio London, broadcast on June 30, 2016. This local radio station has an audience of more than 350,000 listeners in London, England. After the interview, the rest of the hour was taken up with a phone-in about infidelity.
Interview duration: 12 min. 58 sec.

Ray D’Arcy Show on RTE Radio 1

Hear CJ interviewed live on RTE Radio 1’s Ray D’Arcy Show, on September 15, 2016. Ray D’Arcy is an extremely popular TV and radio broadcaster in Ireland. His radio show has an audience of more than 215,000 listeners.
Interview duration: 17 min. 39 sec.

Book Slot on Share Radio

Hear CJ on Share Radio’s book slot, interviewed live on January 19, 2017. Share Radio is a British Digital Audio Broadcasting station that focuses on money matters. CJ talks to Georgie Frost about some of the financial aspects of adultery, separation and divorce.
Interview duration: 23 min. 7 sec.

Journey Beyond Divorce Podcast on Divorce Source Radio

Hear CJ on Divorce Source Radio, interviewed by Karen McMahon and Lisa Brick of Journey Beyond Divorce for their April 14, 2017 podcast, “Discovering Infidelity – Navigating Divorce.” Journey Beyond Divorce specializes in relationship and divorce coaching and offers various free resources, including the FREE Divorce Survival Kit.
Interview duration: 41 min. 11 sec.

Breakup Recovery Podcast with Barbara Stevens

Hear CJ on the June 13, 2017 Breakup Recovery Podcast,  interviewed by separation counselor Barbara Stevens, based in Queensland, Australia. The program was entitled “How To Get Over A Cheating Partner. ”
Interview duration: 17 min. 45 sec.

Positive Productivity Podcast with Kim Sutton

Hear CJ on the November 20, 2017 Positive Productivity Podcast, interviewed by Kim Sutton, and take a look at the Episode Notes.  CJ and Kim discuss a wide range of topics, including how to keep a sense of humor, bloopers, effective techniques to maintain a positive outlook, good sleep strategies and even planning your funeral. Kim offers positive productivity coaching for business owners and helps them develop support systems and automation. To find out more about Kim’s work, visit her website, thekimsutton.com.
Interview duration: 36 min. 8 sec.

Inner Abundant Mindset Podcast with Jolen Philbrook

Hear CJ on the December 22, 2017 Inner Abundant Mindset Podcast, interviewed by transformational coach, Jolen Philbrook, based in Northern California. CJ and Jolen talk about why the best revenge is to get past the need for it. To find out more about Jolen’s work, visit her website, jolenphilbrook.com.
Program duration: 27 min. 42 sec.

Five Minute Bark Podcast with Dennis Langlais Video Trailer

A brief video preview of CJ’s audio interview on the March 2, 2018 episode of the Five Minute Bark podcast with Dennis Langlais.
Duration: 3 min. 25 sec.

Five Minute Bark Podcast with Dennis Langlais Audio Interview

Hear CJ on the March 2, 2018 episode of the Five Minute Bark Podcast, interviewed by  Dennis Langlais. Listen to the show to find out why CJ is grateful her husband had a mistress and considers sending her a thank-you card. Dennis is a former professional BMX freestyle athlete who is now a successful entrepreneur, software engineer and podcaster. To find out more about Dennis, visit fiveminutebark.com.
Interview duration: 27 min. 37 sec.

Sex, Love and Superpowers with Tatiana Berindei

Bet you didn’t know CJ had superpowers! Find out what they are by listening to her interview on the March 29, 2018 Sex, Love and Superpowers Podcast, with Tatiana Berindei who specializes in  “FutureCrafting”—moving her clients from confusion to clarity. You can read a transcript of the first part of this interview. Want to know your superpower? Take the quiz on superpowerexperts.com.
Interview duration: 36 min. 56 sec.

Frickin’ Awesome Entrepreneur with Alissa Daire Nelson

If you ever procrastinate, the June 18, 2018 episode with CJ is for you! Strength Coach Alissa Daire Nelson’s unique show delves into her guests’ Strengths as well as those they lack, using the Clifton Strengths Finder method. CJ, a great ideas person but not too brilliant  at follow-through, talks to Alissa about ways to prioritize and get things done without stifling creativity. To find out more about Alissa, visit www.daire2succeed.com.
Interview duration: 39 min. 29 sec.

The Art of Giving a Damn with Michelle Shaeffer

In the May 8, 2019 episode,  CJ displays her sarcastic Brit sense of humor talking to Michelle about dealing with the double whammy of getting breast cancer shortly after discovering her husband’s infidelity. Michelle Shaeffer is the creator of Lingo Dynamics and the HookLine Dynamic app. She’s passionate about helping mission-driven entrepreneurs build successful businesses that make a positive difference in the world. Michelle is a coffee addict, but CJ, being a Brit, prefers tea.
Interview duration: 31 min. 20 sec.

Midlife Love Out Loud with Junie Moon

In the July 8, 2020 episode, Love coach Junie Moon chats with CJ about the tools CJ developed to be able to thrive after infidelity and breast cancer.  Topics they discuss include midlife love, laughter as therapy and how to become comfortable with your own body. You’ll find out more about Junie Moon’s story in CJ’s blog, Naked Painted Lady as Role Model. The article was too hot for Thrive Global, who published it for a few days then flagged the story for review, so read it at your peril!
Interview duration: 34 min. 57 sec.

Keeping It Real with Brenda Facemire

Why does infidelity happen? How do you cope with starting a new relationship after marital breakup? What if you’re dealing with breast cancer at the same time? CJ discusses these issues with show hosts Brenda Facemire and Scott Tiger live on the July 13, 2020 episode of Keeping It Real. Brenda also hosts a popular sports podcast, Faceoff with Facemire.
Interview duration: 1 hr. 31 min. 5 sec.

My Steps to Sobriety with Stephan Neff

No, CJ has never had a drinking problem, unless you count the caffeine and fluoride-laced strong British tea she drinks every day, but even so she was invited to be a guest on the August 3, 2020 episode of the audio podcast and video YouTube show, My Steps to Sobriety. She had a great discussion with the host, Stephan Neff, about infidelity, cancer and Monty Python. As you can see below, they were chatting together outdoors during a beautiful sunset. No Covid face mask in sight, yet they lived to tell the tale. Stephan is a medical doctor from Germany who lives in New Zealand and managed to win his battle against the bottle. His passion is to help others overcome similar challenges. Stephan is the author of My Steps to Sobriety:  Living a Fantastic Life without Alcohol.
Interview duration: 1 hr. 3 min. 48 sec.

Women Emerging Fearlessly with Janelle Anderson

When adversity hits, you can turn Post Traumatic Stress into Post Traumatic Growth. Find out how by listening to CJ’s August 29, 2020 interview with Janelle Anderson on the Women Emerging Fearlessly podcast. They chatted about how to use adversity to thrive in midlife and beyond, and the importance of keeping a sense of humor whatever happens. If you prefer print to audio, you can read a transcript of this interview. Janelle is the founder of Emerging Life Coaching. Drawing on extensive experience as an educator and entrepreneur, her goal is to show women how to be fearlessly confident and discover their life purpose.
Interview duration: 36 min. 42 sec.

Midlife A-Go-Go with Valerie Albarda

CJ chats with Valerie Albarda about midlife, infidelity, cancer and surviving it all on the September 16, 2020 episode of the Midlife A-Go-Go podcast. Valerie’s aim is to inspire women in their later years to live their best life, insisting that you can enjoy midlife and skip the crisis.  Find out more about Valerie’s blogs and podcasts by visiting midlifeagogo.com.
Interview duration: 42 min. 41 sec.

Build It Bootcamp Podcast with LJ Haywood

Business strategist LJ Haywood is the host of the Build It Bootcamp Podcast. CJ was invited to be a guest on the June 17, 2021 episode of the show. She chats with LJ about journalism, publishing, politics, infidelity and breast cancer and how all these diverse topics are connected to her evolution as an author.
Duration: 54 min. 33 sec.


CJ Grace on Crazy Sexy Midlife Love PodcastCrazy Sexy Midlife Love with Morgana Rae and Devin Galaudet

Morgana and Devin are two bestselling authors who fell in love late in life and decided to combine their passion for romance and travel by getting married in 100 different locations – they’ve done 25 so far. They interviewed CJ on the June 30, 2021 episode of their Crazy Sexy Midlife Love podcast and the discussion covered such diverse subjects as  crazy relationships, coping with infidelity, midlife farting and how to keep laughing whatever happens.
Duration: 59 min. 3 sec.

Blissful Love Podcast with Navi Bliss

Empathetic, pragmatic and insightful, Navi Bliss is a certified  love and relationship coach based in Toronto, Canada, who has been through heartbreak and come out the other side. CJ  and Navi have co-presented events on Clubhouse in rooms organized by the Blissful Love and Overcoming Infidelity clubs. Navi interviewed CJ on the July 6, 2021 episode of the Blissful Love podcast about how to thrive after infidelity and make decisions that will serve your own best interests.
Duration: 38 min. 9 sec.

Rebel Love Podcast with Talia

The Rebel Love Podcast covers all aspects of relationships and sexuality. Host Talia interviewed CJ on the July 13, 2021 episode to discuss how to move on and be happy after infidelity. Spoiler alert—no revenge involved!
Duration: 45 min. 57 sec.

Java Delight with Brandon Croucher and Gavin Kerr

As a guest at the Java Delight Digital Cafe, broadcast live on YouTube on July 16, 2021, CJ got down and dirty with hosts Brandon Croucher and Gavin Kerr. The topics they discussed ranged from hilarious and raunchy to profoundly serious. Java Delight focuses on positivity, acceptance and good vibes.
Episode Duration: 2 hr. 3 min. 24 sec. CJ’s interview is in the second half of the show, beginning 1 hour into the program.

Too Old for this Sh*t Podcast, Episode 69 Too Old for This Sh*t Podcast with Angie

The Too Old for This Sh*t Podcast with host Angie takes an outspoken look at misfits, human nature and relationships. CJ Grace is not necessarily a misfit but nevertheless was invited to be a guest on the July 19, 2021 episode. CJ and Angie got into a raw, intimate conversation about sexless marriages,  dealing with infidelity and how to reclaim your happiness, creativity and sense of self whether you stay or go. As well as hosting Too Old for This Sh*t, Angie offers courses to help technophobes create their own podcasts.
Full episode duration: 1 hr. 15 min. 50 sec.
Edited episode: 1 hr. 13 min. 43 sec.

Shot@Love with Kerry Brett

As a guest on the August 4, 2021 episode  of the Shot@Love Podcast, CJ discussed dealing with a part-time marriage offer, double standards in attitudes to infidelity, whether or not you should forgive a cheater and what to do to reclaim your power after being hit with setbacks like an unfaithful husband and breast cancer. The Shot@Love Podcast is a motivational dating show hosted by Kerry Brett, a dating expert and celebrity and lifestyle photographer.
Duration: 50 min. 3 sec.

Chat and Spin Radio LogoChat and Spin Radio with Ron Clark

On August 15, 2021, CJ was interviewed live by Chat and Spin Radio presenter and station owner Ron Clarke. CJ talked about spoof gifts for a cheating ex and how maintaining a sense of humor can get you through difficult times like dealing with infidelity, breast cancer and the brave new world of Covid-19. Chat and Spin Radio is a non-profit 24-hour internet radio station based in the UK.
Edited clip duration: 4min. 44 sec.

The Love Machine Podcast with James Preece

Can cheaters change? Should you stay or go? Why does infidelity happen? Are humans naturally monogamous? Why do marriages become celibate? CJ discusses these questions and more on the August 23, 2021 episode of the Love Machine Podcast with host James Preece, Britain’s leading dating and relationship expert.
Duration: 40 min.

CJ Grace on Gleeful Talk ShowThe Gleeful Talk Show with Glee

CJ covers some controversial issues about infidelity in my August 31, 2021 interview on the Gleeful Talk Show, an Australian podcast hosted by  Glee. Is the mistress a villain or a victim? Why does infidelity happen? Celibate marriages are one reason—if you ain’t getting fed at home, you’ll go for a take-out.  Glee shares zesty stories to cultivate happiness and the hero within.
Full audio interview duration: 40 min. 49 sec.
YouTube interview clip duration: 10 min 13 sec.

Ready for Love Radio with Nikki LeighReady for Love Radio with Nikki Leigh

CJ Grace was a guest on the September 2, 2021 episode of Ready for Love Radio, hosted by love coach, Nikki Leigh. The interview kicked off Season 8 of the podcast on http://newvisionsradio.com. Nikki is an award-winning author and a Certified Love and Relationship Coach. Her motto is live, laugh and embrace your sexuality.
Duration: 59 min. 39 sec.

Breast Cancer heroes Journey Podcast LogoBreast Cancer Heroes Journey with Grace De Angeli

When dealing with any kind of adversity, we’re often told the best thing is to think positive. But there are pros and cons to that view. This was one of the issues CJ Grace discussed on the September 9, 2021 episode of the Breast Cancer Heroes Journey podcast with host Grace De Angeli. It was an intimate and comprehensive conversation about dealing with both breast cancer and an unfaithful partner, but, as usual, CJ also managed to include some absurdist humor. Grace De Angeli is an entrepreneur based in Australia and the founder of The Angels of Grace which offers various healing tools.
Duration: 1 hr. 47 min. 9 sec.

Is Mariana Making Sense? Hosted by Mariana Santiago

Two podcasts hosted by Mariana Santiago: Is Mariana Making Sense, in English, and Mariana con o sin sentido, in SpanishOn 2esday 2/22/22 – a momentous date, CJ Grace was the first guest to appear on Mariana’s Santiago’s brand new English language podcast, Is Mariana making sense? CJ was talking about how to thrive and retain a sense of humor after dealing with infidelity and breast cancer. Mariana is a multilingual comedian and motivational speaker. She has launched not just one but two brand new shows, covering a wide range of subjects. The first guest on Mariana’s Spanish podcast was talking about quantum physics, a subject CJ would have a hard time discussing in English, let alone making sense in a foreign language!
Main interview duration: 38 min. 38 sec.

Mariana and CJ just couldn’t stop yakking, so they had to continue the interview in a bonus episode!
Bonus episode duration: 42 min. 35 sec.

10 Points in 10 Minutes on Steps to Sobriety with Stephan Neff

CJ Grace gives quick tips on how to thrive after infidelity and cancer on 10 Points in 10 Minutes for Steps to Sobriety with Stephan Neff.CJ Grace is a chocoholic not an alcoholic, but Stephan Neff, host of the thought-provoking podcast, Into the Light: My Steps to Sobriety, still invited her to tell him about ten points in ten minutes (or thereabouts) that helped her deal with the devastation she felt from finding out about her husband’s infidelity and shortly after being diagnosed with breast cancer. The things CJ did could be used to overcome any kind of adversity. Her “10 in 10” was a follow-up to an interview CJ did on “Steps to Sobriety” back in August 2020. Stephan is an anesthetist, speaker, alcoholic in recovery and the author of My Steps To Sobriety: Living a fantastic life without alcohol.
Duration: 17 min. 35 sec.

Jo Good on BBC Radio London

CJ explains why breast cancer often follows or is followed by infidelity on the October 3, 2022 episode of Jo Good’s late night show. CJ was talking about her brand new book, My Wild Ride: How to Thrive After Breast Cancer and Infidelity. It was a repeat appearance on Jo’s show. Back in 2016, CJ was invited to be a guest when her first book, Adulterer’s Wife: How to Thrive Whether You Stay or Not, had just been published.
Duration: 16 min. 1 sec.

WILS Talk Radio, Lansing MI on 1320AM, square logoFox Affiliate WILS Morning Wake-Up with Mike Austin

WILS in Lansing, Michigan, is a Fox-affiliated talk radio station broadcasting on 1320 AM. CJ  Grace was a guest on the October 11, 2022 edition of  The WILS Morning Wake-Up with Mike Austin to talk about the pros and cons of a new blood test to detect cancer – the Galleri test produced by a company called GRAIL.  The subject had special resonance for Mike as his mother was diagnosed with cancer several times before the disease eventually killed her.
Duration: 9 min. 15 sec.

Thumbnail for Alabama's Morning News with JT PodcastFox Affiliate WERC Alabama’s Morning News

CJ Grace appeared on the October 11, 2022 edition of Alabama’s Morning News on Fox affiliate WERC, based in Birmingham, Alabama. She talked to host John Mountz about cancer testing and why the costs of new tests and drugs are so high in the United States.
Interview Duration: 6 min. 40 sec.

Fox Affiliate WHO Need to Know with Jeff Angelo

CJ Grace was a guest on the October 11, 2022 episode of Need to Know with Jeff Angelo. She was talking about the pros and cons of a new cancer detection blood test as well as telling listeners about her own cancer journey. Need to Know is  a morning show on on WHO NewsRadio 1040, broadcasting from Des Moines, Iowa.
Duration: 5 min. 16 sec.

Rich “Trigger” Bontrager on Rock The Stage: Book Launch Preview

To preview the official launch of My Wild Ride: How to Thrive After Breast Cancer and Infidelity, I spoke to Rich “Trigger” Bontrager on Rock the Stage about the link between breast cancer and infidelity. I also explained why the bibliography of the book is weirdly unique and how this has inspired a special contest for readers.
Duration: 12 min. 45 sec.

Rock the Stage with Rich “Trigger” Bontrager: Book Launch Party

CJ Grace officially launched her comic self-help memoir, My Wild Ride: How to Thrive After Breast Cancer and Infidelity  as a guest on the October 12, 2022 episode of Rich “Trigger” Bontrager‘s Rock the Stage TV show. What happened? Plenty of laughter, compelling stories and a flying bra.
Duration: 1 hr. 2 Min. 24 Sec.

The Business Power Hour with Deb Krier

CJ Grace was the guest on the October 13, 2022 episode of The Business Power Hour. Host Deb Krier is a social media strategist, keynote speaker and 4th stage metastatic breast cancer survivor. Deb and CJ spoke in depth about dealing with cancer and the importance of keeping a sense of humor.
Duration: 59 min.

Walk with Me with Regeline Sabbat

Do What You Love was the subject CJ Grace’s interview on the October 18, 2022 episode of the Walk with Me podcast hosted by Regeline “Gigi” Sabbat, author of Walk with Me, and founder of Life Services of America.
Duration: 9 min. 52 sec.

The Daily Show with Russ Kane on Men’s Radio Station

CJ Grace did not have to lower her voice to impersonate a bloke when she was live on the Daily Show with Russ Kane and Neil Long on Men’s Radio Station, because their audience is in fact 50 percent female! It’s a very popular podcast in the UK and she was a guest on the October 19 episode which aired at Noon UK time, 7AM Eastern, and a fairly brutal 1AM in Hawaii. Even though the interview focused on the somewhat dark subject of how to deal with cancer and infidelity, there was plenty of laughter. CJ’s interview took up the first half of the show, but she also chimed in a little during the second interview with British artist Opake, a recovered addict who turned his obsessive personality to creative endeavors and talks about sanity through repetition.
CJ Interview duration: 34 min. 28 sec.
Show duration: 1 hr. 0 min. 9 sec.

Thought Leader Thursday with Suzanne Castle

CJ was a guest on the October 20, 2022 episode (# 48) of Suzanne Castle‘s business-oriented podcast, Thought Leader Thursday. Suzanne Castle, also known as the Chief Sparkler, is a strategic leadership consultant based in Fort Worth, Texas. She offers various free resources for download on her website.

Thriving Women Talk with Sabrina Protic

CJ Grace was a guest on the October 25, 2022 show, season 5 episode 12, talking about breast cancer awareness and the publication of her new comic self-help memoir, My Wild Ride: How to Thrive After Breast Cancer and Infidelity.
Program Duration: 1 hr. 0 min. 3 sec.

The Courtenay Turner Podcast

CJ Grace was a guest on the November 3, 2022 episode of the Courtenay Turner Podcast, covering some controversial, edgy topics. As well as discussing the world of cancer treatment, both conventional and alternative, CJ talked about her experiences as a journalist in Britain and China and how reporting has changed over the decades.
Duration: 1 hr. 18 min. 32 sec.

Uncomfortable Conversations with Sabrina Protic, Nicole Rand and Tony Stubbs

CJ was a guest on the November 9, 2022 show, season 2, episode 37, to discuss the thorny issue of pre-marital sex and out of wedlock pregnancies, particularly looking at how it affects high school kids and their families.
Program Duration: 1 hr. 0 min. 18 sec.

Bookish Talk with Asma Yousif, Nadia Blackstock and Tim Kellis

On the November 18 episode of Bookish Talk, broadcast on the Thriving Women Network, CJ Grace was not only a guest but also had her maiden voyage as one of the co-hosts of the show. She not only spoke about how she came to write her first book, Adulterer’s Wife: How to Thrive Whether You Stay or Not, but also described the crazy story of how a farting goat led to her appearance on the show.

The Maverick Paradox with Judith Germain

CJ Grace was a guest on the November 25, 2022 episode of The Maverick Paradox podcast hosted by Judith Germain. Judith is the author of The Maverick Paradox: The Secret Power Behind Successful Leaders.  CJ spoke about the power of humor as healing. She also explained why, against the advice of some of her doctors, she turned down mastectomies and decided to keep her breasts despite having a genetic predisposition to breast cancer.

Stand Up & Stand Out Podcast with Nikki Green

CJ Grace discussed emotional intelligence on the December 24, 2022 episode of  the Stand Up & Stand Out podcast hosted by career coach, speaker and author, Nikki Green. Nikki and CJ chatted about and how to use adversity to become a victor rather than getting stuck in victim mode. These are topics Nikki covers in detail in her new book, “Chameleon Mindset,” comparing the flexible chameleon mentality with the rigid zebra attitude.
Duration: 24 min. 53 sec.

Cancer U Thrivers with Andrea Wilson Woods

As a 2-time breast cancer survivor, CJ embraced her BBC journalist background to investigate and try out both conventional and unconventional cancer therapies. So far, she is still alive to tell the tale and was interviewed about her healing journey on the Cancer U Thrivers podcast, hosted by Andrea Wilson Woods, author of the multiple award winning book, Better off Bald: A Life in 147 Days. This is a sneak preview of the interview, which is expected to go live in a few months time.
Duration: 36 min. 35 sec.

From Betrayal to Breakthrough with Dr. Debi Silber

Aired on January 16, 2023, this was one of the most raw and deeply personal interviews CJ has ever done. It was a credit to the skill of Dr. Debi Silber, host of “From Betrayal to Breakthrough,” which is globally ranked within the top 1.5% of podcasts. Among the topics  covered: How do you bring “dead” breasts back to life? How does infidelity cause cancer and why do men cheat on sick wives? How do you cope with a breast cancer diagnosis? How do you use betrayal as a catalyst to make your life better than before? Dr. Debi Silber is the founder of the PBT (Post Betrayal Transformation) Institute. She is a holistic psychologist and the author of several bestselling books, including Trust Again,  The Unshakable Woman and From Hardened to Healed.
Duration: 32 min. 23 sec.

LeadHERship Global with Linda Fisk

Using adversity as a catalyst for personal growth was the focus of CJ’s interview  in the January 17, 2023 episode of the LeadHERship Global podcast. CJ talked about how humor and a nuanced attitude can help you move past life’s setbacks. Also discussed: Is it weakness to forgive someone? Can writing about a traumatic experience help you move past it? How do you use humor for healing? Can adversity be a catalyst for personal growth? What’s the difference between success and purpose? The podcast is hosted by TEDx speaker and bestselling author, Linda Fisk. Linda is the founder and CEO of LeadHERship Global, a vast community of women who are making their mark on the world…and CJ is one of them!
Episode duration: 25 min. 23 sec.

CJ Grace LeadHERship Global Audiogram Clip

In this teaser for the January 17, 2023 episode of the LeadHERship GLobal podcast, CJ explains the importance of having a nuanced view of other people and life in general.
Clip duration: 28 sec.

Liberty Arise! podcast logoLiberty Arise! with Scott Adam

The link between bras and breast cancer is stronger than that between smoking and lung cancer, several studies show. On the January 25, 2023 episode of Liberty Arise!, hosted by Scott Adam, CJ Grace discussed the implications that this research on bras has on breast binders and also talked about at the potential health risks of hormone blockers. For more on this issue, read CJ’s blog, “Are Gender Affirming Practices Carcingenic?” Scott Adam is not to be confused with Scott Adams, the guy who did the Dilbert comic strips. During her interview on Liberty Arise!, CJ also described her journalism career, working for the BBC in Britain and China Radio International in China, explaining how the media landscape has dramatically changed over the years.
CJ’s position as a journalist advisor for China Radio International in Beijing in the 1980s (then known as Radio Peking or Radio Beijing) gave her a somewhat unique perspective on the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre and Chinese politics both then and now. CJ discussed the country’s recent history and current affairs in a 24-minute section from the interview, explaining why even the soda sellers who were not involved in the demonstrations were fired upon by soldiers during the unrest at Tiananmen Square in 1989.
China discussion duration: 23 min. 55 sec.

Full interview duration: 1 hr. 22 min. 59 sec.

Tenpenny Report TV with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny

CJ Grace put in her twopence with Dr. Sherri Tenpenny on the on February 27, 2023 episode of Tenpenny Report TV. The discussion was all about breasts, looking at the dangers of bras, breast binding and breast implants, and how industry funded studies are sometimes so bad that they’re good, in a Monty Python kind of way.
Episode duration: 53 min. 7 sec.
CJ Grace interview begins 3  min. 48 sec. in from the start of the show and ends at 39 min. 19 sec.

Author and Artist Hour Toni TV

As one of the hosts on the Thriving Women Network, it was fun for CJ to be in the interview seat for a change. She was a guest on the Everyday Women’s Network, chatting with the network’s founder Toni Lontis on her Author and Artist Hour TV show, broadcast on May 29, 2023. Toni is a warm, down-to-earth host and they talked about a wide range of infidelity and breast cancer issues, including:
·      Why information is power.
·      My husband’s a part-time wife offer.
·      Why the best revenge is to get past the need for revenge.
·      Ensuring children aren’t used as pawns in marital strife.
·      The connection between cancer and infidelity.
·      Combining conventional and alternative cancer therapies.
·      The bra-breast cancer link.
·      The BRCA gene.
·      Mastectomies and breast implants.
·      How medical research becomes biased.
This interview got 6,000 views and 1,000 likes within a day of being uploaded to YouTube. Find out why it was so popular by watching it yourself!
Duration:  50 min. 46 sec.

Times Radio LogoTimes Radio Breakfast Show, August 16, 2023

CJ Grace appeared live on the August 16, 2023 episode of the Times Radio Breakfast Show to talk to hosts Aasmah Mir and Stig Abell about the aftermath of the Maui wildfires and President Biden’s planned visit to the area. Times Radio is a British digital radio station owned by News UK, which includes The Times and The Sunday Times newspapers.
Audio duration 6 min. 45 sec.

Video duration: 6 min. 43 sec.

Times Radio Breakfast Show, August 21, 2023

CJ was invited back on the August 21, 2023 episode of Times Radio Breakfast for a follow-up interview to talk about how residents of Maui were faring two weeks after the devastating Lahaina fire and President Biden’s visit there.
Audio duration 5 min. 47 sec.

Video duration: 5 min. 33 sec.

Bombshell1111 Podcast with Keya Lee

Headshot of Keya Lee, Host of the Bombshell1111 Podcast and headshot of CJ Grace wearing a hat, to publicize an episode of the show about thriving after breast cancer.CJ was dropping bombshells about breast cancer on the December 3, 2023 episode of the Bombshell111 Podcast with Keya Lee. With a bachelors in human services & criminal justice and a masters in mental health counseling, Keya has dedicated her life to mental health and uplifting others in the community.
Duration: 25 min. 57 sec.

Get It Off Your Chest: The Funny Side of Breast Cancer

CJ described celebrating Halloween as a hairless devil on the February 17, 2024 episode of Get It Off Your Chest: The Funny Side of Breast Cancer. This British podcast fearlessly navigates the serious waters of breast cancer with humor. Hosts Andrea Moulding and and Estelle Maher are breast cancer survivors from Leicestershire, England, who broadcast from the whimsically named Titty Towers. Andrea is the author of Stay on the Bus: Navigating breast cancer, diagnosis, treatment and those annoying people.  Andrea and Estelle invite guests to share uproarious tales of their cancer experiences that serve as a tonic to the trauma of breast cancer. Get It Off Your Chest is more than just a podcast—it’s a testament to the power of laughter in the face of adversity.
Episode duration: 34 min. 18 sec.
CJ Grace interview duration: 13 min. 52 sec.

Real Things Living with Brigitte Cutshall

Ever wondered how humor can transform adversity?
CJ shared her story of dealing with breast cancer and infidelity, yet finding happiness on the other side with host Brigitte Cutshall on the November 27, 2024 episode of the Real Things Living podcast. Brigitte is also a cancer survivor and there was some great synergy going on. CJ and Brigitte covered some serious stuff about dealing with cancer and infidelity but managed to have a lot of laughs too!
Duration: 31 min. 34 sec.

The Jeff Crilley Show

CJ was bra-free in hot pink to talk about breast cancer issues on the February 7, 2025 edition of the Jeff Crilley Show. And yes, she was wearing a pair of those gel petals to prevent anything poking through – watch the interview for more about that. CJ and former Fox News journalist Jeff Crilley managed to pack a lot into their conversation, including a part-time wife offer, flying bras, controversies over mastectomies and breast implants, and most importantly, seeing the absurd humor in life, even with a cancer diagnosis.
Duration: 14 min. 10 sec.

CJ is available for media interviews and speaking engagements. For booking requests, click here.